SwingPoint Media – 3 Reasons Your Website is Not Getting You More Sales

September 12, 2022

In our fast-paced world, everyone wants to achieve results instantly. You want to connect with customers immediately and see your sales graph snowballing.

Luckily, optimizing your website could generate more sales almost instantly. This post outlines three critical components to review when your website is not getting you sales.

Learn how to optimize your website to drive more customers and watch sales grow. Let’s dive in!

  1. On-Page SEO Elements 

Have you just launched your well-designed website but no traffic yet? E-Commerce is never a “build it, and they will come” approach! You have to keep up with the latest search engine optimization.

What is search engine optimization (SEO)?

SEO is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring the site appears high on the results listed by a search engine.

According to the Search Engine Journal, brands need SEO because it is the most viable and cost-effective way to understand and reach customers in key moments.

From how they network to how they get news and entertainment, consumers have moved online, and shopping is no exception.

The growth of online shopping and the search for information is impressive and is not slowing down. The trend continues because online shopping offers convenience, and consumers have the chance to compare prices.

Therefore, optimizing your websites so these buyers find you online is up to you as the marketer.

Here are essential SEO strategies to consider:

  • Keyword Optimization: Research, analyze, and select the best keywords to drive qualified traffic from search engines to your website.
  • Create SEO Titles That Stand Out: Your SEO title tag must tell both Google and searchers that your website is relevant to the search query.
  • Structured Markup: “Marking up” your website source code makes it easier for Google to find and understand different elements of your website’s content.
  • Meta Descriptions: The short page descriptions appearing under the title can influence whether or not potential buyers click your page.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Choose a website hosting service, site design, and theme that’s readable and navigable on mobile devices.

On-page SEO has the power to bring countless new visitors and customers to your website. Besides, on-page SEO allows you to decide each page’s topic and goal and what the target audience will see.

  1. Content Is King! 

In case you haven’t noticed, in today’s online world, we are practically drowning in more content than we could even begin to consume.

The truth is that only websites and companies with the best content succeed in building an online audience and attracting qualified leads.


Proper content connects you to the right people, offers valuable information, and keeps your product real in the eyes of your audience.

Here are the characteristics of great content:

  • Readable and easy to understand: Avoid jargon and confusing terminology, and check your spelling, grammar, and sentence structure.
  • Engaging: Proper content creates an emotional connection with your audience and fosters interest.
  • Consistent: Inconsistent content affects your company’s brand recognition and makes it difficult to stand out from the noise.
  • Findable: Proper keyword research, optimized title tags, meta descriptions, image tags, and other SEO strategies help your content appear at the top of search results.

The bottom line: It is not just enough to create content! Your content should be considerable, create awareness, and help readers in decision-making.

  1. Email Marketing for Your Website

Email marketing allows marketers to generate leads and build lasting relationships with current and past customers.

In short, email marketing is an opportunity to engage the customer and qualified leads directly at a time convenient to them. Email campaigns can become the most impactful channel for growing your sales with the proper messaging.

Sending an email or two is easy. However, a long-term email strategy that grows your business is what matters.

Here are essential email marketing tips to help you drive traffic and improve conversions.

  • Keep your emails brief
  • Include testimonials and case studies to build reader’s confidence
  • Perfect the subject line to improve email opening rates
  • Use analytics to measure email marketing effectiveness
  • Use lead magnets to grow your email list
  • Encourage email subscribers to share
  • Consistency is key
  • Make it easy to subscribe and unsubscribe

While email marketing is a cost-effective marketing strategy, your approach determines the kind of results you get. Personalization increases your return on investments and engages the readers more meaningfully.


If you are not investing a dedicated budget toward website management and marketing, you will not achieve the amount of sales you hope to achieve. Optimize the website so search engines rank you higher. In addition, meaningful and engaging content helps you build customers’ trust and drive them to your website. Finally, never underestimate the importance of email marketing in driving online sales.

SwingPointMedia is a marketing company focused on helping marketers gain more sales. We are experts in SEO, content, email, and social media marketing. We help your website get more visitors and help you increase sales through quality content and email marketing strategies.

SwingPointMedia serves local businesses in Southern California. Contact us here or call 760-422-5176.