Important Webinar About Plumbing and Gas for Food and Beverage Establishments

June 09, 2020

SoCalGas wanted to inform you that we have collaborated with 3rd party groups like, the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO)  in order to bring you one of many new webinars in order to support our customers. You are invited to register or share with customers this free webinar titled, “After COVID-19: Plumbing and Gas Considerations for Food and Beverage Establishments


Title: After COVID-19: Plumbing and Gas Considerations for Food and Beverage Establishments

Date: Wed, Jun 10, 2020 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PDT


Webinar Description:


This webinar is being offered in collaboration with SoCalGas to provide a more in-depth discussion of the considerations needed to be made when reopening food and beverage establishments after a prolonged closure or greatly reduced use. In addition to the information provide in the first webinar, this presentation will further discuss some of the water and drainage needs, but will also focus highly on the gas considerations needed for reopening these types of buildings. Individual appliances and equipment commonly found in restaurants, bars, and cafeterias, will be a main focus for discussion.


Register Here: After COVID-19: Plumbing and Gas Considerations for Food and Beverage Establishments