Protect What’s Yours…

March 13, 2020


The stock market takes a huge nosedive. The virus outbreak is scary. Panic. Fear. Our clients have been calling asking what they should do about their money. People are scared. Well, I can assure you, we will get through this, and The Money Protector is there to help you every step of the way when it comes to growing and protecting your wealth during these challenging times.

Along with our dream team of licensed financial experts, partners and patented software, we’ve actually doubled the net worth for many of our clients, protecting their money from the current stock market crash, significantly reducing their taxes, and implementing our proprietary methods and strategies to grow and protect their wealth.


To that end, I want to send you a book that literally changed my life and the way I think about money. It’s called “What Would The Rockefeller’s Do?”. It was written by my good friend and colleague Garrett Gunderson and is a New York Times bestseller. The book is a rather extraordinary exposition of how you can grow and sustain wealth like a Rockefeller. And you don’t need to be a millionaire to employ these amazing tools and little known strategies. It’s a must read. We send this to all of our clients.

Did you know that in today’s dollars, accounting for inflation, John Rockefeller’s wealth was the equivalent of $340 billion? That makes Rockefeller about three times richer than billionaire Jeff Besos. Check out the story here to see for yourself.

The Money Protector will mail your free book to you within a week. Simply email us your address to I am confident this book will profoundly change your financial life, and fortunes. It should fundamentally alter the way you think about growing, nurturing and guarding your wealth.

So I say it’s time to “Think Like A Rockefeller.”

Book your free consultation today with The Money Protector.